About Me
Currently, I am at Sigma Computing where we are changing the way business analysis is done by letting you use your data warehouse like a spreadsheet (think Google sheet or MS Excel). We are hiring so reach out if this sounds fun. Recently, I was an Applied Scientist at Amazon AI. I had Edo Liberty as my cool manager. Previously, I worked as a Software Developer at Zenefits . Prior to Zenefits, I was the John von Neumann Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Sandia National Labs in Livermore, California. At Sandia, I mainly worked with Sesh, Ali, and Tammy. Before starting the postdoc, I finished my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Pennsylvania State University under the guidance of Prof. Sofya Raskhodnikova. In 2008, I received an undergraduate degree (B.Tech) in Computer Engineering from Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, India.

I primarily work on theoretical aspects of computer science, focusing on the design and analysis of sublinear algorithms. These algorithms are restricted to run in sublinear time (e.g. property testers) and/or sublinear space (e.g. streaming algorithms). In my thesis research, I studied the Lipschitz property of functions in the context of property testing and property reconstruction, and explored how these algorithms might find use in the area of data privacy (specifically, differential privacy). I have recently become interested in applications of sublinear algorithms in data mining, particularly, mining of massive graphs.

FML/CS-222: A course (in preparation) to be offered online in Spring 2018. More details to follow. Based on the following book.


Conference Publications

with Deeparnab Chakrabarty, Kashyap Dixit, and C. Seshadhri

with C. Seshadhri and Ali Pinar

with C. Seshadhri and Ali Pinar

with C. Seshadhri and Ali Pinar

with Kashyap Dixit, Madhav Jha, Sofya Raskhodnikova and Abhradeep Thakurta

with Pranjal Awasthi, Marco Molinaro and Sofya Raskhodnikova

with Pranjal Awasthi, Marco Molinaro and Sofya Raskhodnikova

with Sofya Raskhodnikova

with Arnab Bhattacharyya, Elena Grigorescu, Kyomin Jung, Sofya Raskhodnikova and David P. Woodruff

Journal Publications

with Pranjal Awasthi, Marco Molinaro and Sofya Raskhodnikova

with C. Seshadhri and Ali Pinar

with Pranjal Awasthi, Marco Molinaro, and Sofya Raskhodnikova

with Sofya Raskhodnikova

with Arnab Bhattacharyya, Elena Grigorescu, Kyomin Jung, Sofya Raskhodnikova and David P. Woodruff


(Defended May 2013)


Email Addressmadhavjha AT gmail DOT com